People need to be concerned about wheel alignment for two primary reasons: safety and money. When your wheels are out of alignment, they can pull to one side. A moment of inattention could put y...
If your vehicle has a few years on it, you've no doubt had your tires rotated a few times. That means, of course, that a technician has loosened the lug nuts (which hold the wheels on) to remove the w...
You may have noticed your tires have a pretty long number on them. Yours might start with a letter, then a 3-digit number, followed by a few more numbers and letters. That string of letter...
When the weather gets hot, some of the components of your vehicle are pushed to the limit. Here are a few things to watch out for as the mercury climbs higher:
Your vehicle's air conditioning...
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Question:I need new tires. How do I know which tires to get?Willoughby Hills Auto Repair Answer:Let's look at selecting new tires in light of three fac...
New tires are a big ticket item for most Willoughby Hills drivers. You're not only concerned about the price, but you want to know that it'll be a long time before you need to buy new tires again.
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Question:What is the benefit of winter tires?Willoughby Hills Auto Repair Answer:This is a really good question. Most new vehicles in Willoughby Hills come with all-season tires t...
A lot of Willoughby Hills want custom wheels. When you do this yourself (over the internet . . .) you could run into trouble if you're not careful. Sometimes they just don't fit right: The tires rub i...