Willoughby Hills Auto Repair
34801 Chardon Rd, Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440.585.1691

Fuel Pump

Last Updated: May 04, 2021

Help your fuel pump last longer. One pump killer is contamination in the fuel tank. Sometimes this comes from the fuel itself. Buying fuel at a reputable Willoughby Hills station will help make sure you are putting clean fuel into the tank. Older vehicles tend to have more sediment in the tank from years of rust or corrosion from the tank itself. The tank may need a thorough cleaning or replacement.

Another thing you can do is refill your tank when it gets down to about a quarter full. The fuel pump is submerged in the fuel which cools and lubricates it. When the tank runs low, the pump has to work harder to suck up the fuel from the bottom and there is no fuel to cool it. This can lead to premature wear.

When the day comes that your fuel pump needs to be replaced, Willoughby Hills Auto Repair in Willoughby Hills will use a quality replacement pump that meets or exceeds your vehicle manufacturer's specifications. The entire assembly should be replaced. Your Willoughby Hills Auto Repair service advisor will be sure to install a replacement pump that is compatible with your fuel type. For example, if you have a FlexFuel vehicle that can run on gasoline with up to 85% ethanol content, your fuel system components – including the fuel pump – must be able to withstand the corrosive effects of high alcohol content fuel.

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Willoughby Hills Auto Repair
34801 Chardon Rd
Willoughby Hills, OH 44094

At Willoughby Hills Auto Repair we install quality NAPA replacement parts.